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Adam Witold Odrowąż – Wysocki born February 12, 1924 in Przemyśl , died on 14 October 2018 in Warsaw , Polish journalist, academic lecturer and political activist, freemason , president of the Polish Group of the Universal Masonic League, great editor of the Great Orient of Poland , co-author, editor-in-chief and publisher of the ” Polish Freemason “.
Deported to labor in Germany in 1943, he was then sent to Austria, where from 1944 to 1945 he fought in the Polish Armed Forces . From 1945 to 1947 he studied at the Institute of Press Science in Vienna , then at the Faculty of Humanities at the Jagiellonian University (1947-1948). In 1948 he was arrested, suspected of activity in the WIN, and imprisoned for several months in Montelupich prison in Cracow. In 1950 graduated from the Journalism Department of the Higher School of Social Sciences in Cracow . From 1950 to 1957 he was employed as a journalist at ” Życie Warszawy “, then became deputy editor-in-chief of two magazines: ” Kurier Polski ” (1967-1972) and “Życie Warszawy” (1972-1980). In the 1970s and 1980s, he worked as a senior lecturer and docent at the Department of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw . In the 1970s he held a seat as a councilman of the National Council of the Capital City of Warsaw . W 1980-1981 he was employed in the Office of the Press Spokesman of the Government of the People’s Republic of Poland , then he was a member of the Presidium of the Radio and Television Committee , deputy director of Radio “Polonia” and editor-in-chief of the program of Radio POLONIA – Polish Radio for Western Europe (1981-1986).
In 1947 he joined the Polish Socialist Party , did not join the PZPR . From 1957 he was a member of the Democratic Party . In 1986, he took over the leadership of the Department of Propaganda and Press of the SD Central Committee , then became Party spokesman, a position he held at the Round Table. He retired in 1989. Since 1992, he has been associated with the freemasonic movement. 17 October of that year he was initiated into the Freedom Restored lodge, then part of the of the Grand Orient of France, then moved to the Europe lodge (after a conflict between the brothers over the “Polish Freemason”), where on May 29, 1994 he was conferred the rank of master. In 1998, he became Honorable Master of the Europa lodge. He later moved on to the lodge of Hope. He was a co-founder of the Grand Orient of Poland, established on July 8, 1997, and on 17 January 1998 he became Deputy Grand Master of the GOP for media, in the following years he served as GOP’s Grand Editor, also – for many years – as an honorary one. In 1994 he initiated the Polish National Group of the Universal Masonic League, of which he became the President. Since 1993, together with his wife Bożena Mirosława Dolęgowska-Wysocka, he created a unique freemasonic periodical – “Polish Freemason”, of which he became editor-in-chief and temporarily publisher. In 2016, he became the senior editor of PFM. Since then, the magazine edited by his wife, who had been publisher of the quarterly since 2012, was published until his death in 2018 r.
He was a founding member of the Polish Royal Art Institute, established in 2012 in Warsaw, which aims to inspire, conduct and coordinate research scientific research on the past and present of Polish and world freemasonry, preserving and making available tangible and intangible witnesses concerning Freemasonry, exchange of information and comprehensive popularization of knowledge about freemasonry and related phenomena. On April 23, 2018, by unanimous decision of the Supreme Council of Poland of the 33° and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, its Sovereign Grand Commander performed the rite of elevation of B:. Adam Witold Wysocki to the highest degree of freemasonry initiation. “With this, he joined the chain of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General – Brothers who, with their great commitment, have fully demonstrated their devotion to the ideals of the Order and who are set as models for future generations of freemasons,” the statement of reasons said. He was married to a journalist, Anna Wysocki, née Moszczenski, from whose union a son was born, the artist-painter Alfred Wysocki, author of, among other things, Masonic paintings (an oil portrait of his father, donated to the Grand Orient of Poland). After her death, in January 1980, he became involved with a journalist, lecturer and activist in the women’s freemasonic movement in Poland since 1993, Dr. Bożena Mirosława Dolęgowska -Wysocka, with whom he had a daughter, Aleksandra Wysocka, also a journalist and publisher, a freemason in 2011-2021 (Restored Freedom Lodge, WWP). He was buried on October 18, 2018 at the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw (cemetery section A22-7-12), together with his father, a legionary of the Second Brigade, a knight of the Order of Virtuti Militari, and his brother (symbolically). Three years after his death, Adam W. Wysocki’s wife initiated the Adam W. Wysocki Home Museum of Freemasonry. On April 23, 2022, the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish Royal Art Instute, it was ceremonially opened. The Institute has assumed patronage of this unique in Poland freemasonry institution. On September 23-25, 2022, the XV Forum of House Museums was held in Kudowa-Zdroj and Česká Skalica, where Bozena M. Dolgowska-Wysocka presented the museum and the silhouette of Adam W. Wysocki to the public for the first time. Since then, the facility has also been a member of the International Network of Home Museums.

Bożena Mirosława Dołęgowska-Wysocka – Freemason, journalist, publisher, publicist, blogger: blog Aszera, wife of God).
Born in Kudowa-Zdrój on July 9, 1955. After graduating from elementary school, in 1970 she left to Kielce, where she studied at the State High School of Fine Arts (artistic weaving). From 1975 until 1980, she studied at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at Warsaw University. From October, she was an assistant at the same department, transferred to the Doctoral Studies in 1982. She defended her doctoral thesis on the Women’s League during World War I, its programs, activities and periodicals, she defended at the WDiNP in 1986. Since 1985, an active journalist: “Argumenty, “Culture”, “NIE”, “Gazeta Prawna”, “Nowe Ubezpieczenia”, “Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa”. In the latter she was editor-in-chief, after which she bought it from the INFOR publishing house in 2002.
She is the author of the publications: The freethought and lay movement in Poland 1907 – 1939 (Warsaw 1987); Plamy na lilijce: Worldview disputes in scouting in the years 1911 – 1939 (Krakow 1988); PoBoyowisko (Warsaw 1992, 2016); Deed and Tear. Wspomnienia z Górki (Warsaw 2004, 2008), Pati and Rysiu. Wierszyki dla dzieci (Warsaw 2012), Aszera, żona Pana Boga (Warsaw 2015), Wiersze z kluczem (Warsaw 2018), SUKNIA I FARTUSZEK. From the history of women’s freemasonry in Poland from the 18th to the XXI century. (Warsaw 2020 e-book, 2021).
In 1982 she married Adam W. Wysocki, with whom she has a daughter, Aleksandra.
She joined freemasonry on September 25, 1993, in the Paris lodge Rose of the Winds, belonging to the Women’s Grand Lodge of France. There she became a part of the Fellowcraft 2 years later, and in August 1998 she became a Freemason Master. In that year, the Freemasonry Triangle was founded, of which she became the chairwoman. After the establishment on November 4, 2000 she became affiliated with the Prometea lodge in the East of Warsaw, the first Polish women’s lodge. She held the following positions in it: secretary, speaker, almshouse, messenger and in 2010 she became Honorable Master of the lodge, a position she held until 2013.
In November 2010, she became a member-founder of the second Polish women’s lodge, Gaja Aeterna, she was its speaker, secretary, first caretaker, messenger, and from 2019 to 2022 its Honourable Master. She was a member-founder of the LUX ORIENTIA lodge in the East of Warsaw, a lodge of perfection (grades IV to XIV), where she serves as secretary.
In 2012, she became a member-founder of the Polish Royal Art Institute, where she became a member of the audit committee, served as treasurer from 2020, and from March 2022. vice chairwoman. She was, together with her husband Adam W. Wysocki (brother in the GOP), the founder and publisher of the “Polish Freemason”. The magazine went out irregularly from 1993 until 2018, the year of the death of Adam W. Wysocki.
There she served as secretary of the Scientific Council (in the 1990s), editorial secretary, and from 2016, she assumed the position of editor-in-chief. She has written dozens of articles devoted to Polish Freemasonry, especially women’s Freemasonry. After the paper edition was discontinued, she ran the magazine’s profile on FB.
Three years after her husband’s death, she founded . under the auspices of the Polish Royal Art Institute, which became part of the International Network of House Museums in September 2022.

Management of the virtual museum project:
Daniel Ambroży Soszka – coordinator
Pawel “Nyss” Lachowski – virtual tour
Alicja Łukasiak – virtual tour, consultation, translator
Jakub “Cixo” Gawęda – webmastering